BBA 2401-Macroeconomics. Professor: Zinia Akbar/ Designed and Developed by Shumon


Hello there, my name is Mofidul (Shumon) Islam. This blog is designed and developed to cover Unit I learning assignments for BBA2401-Macroeconomics class.

The purpose of this blog site is to help BBA2401-macroeconomics students in their Unit I Reading Materials. At the present time, this blog will cover Unit I only but in the future all remaining units will be added to aid students.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Barriers That I Encountered:

a) Using Tiger Woods: My initial barrier was organizing Tiger Woods' academic and sports background, and incorporating them in the economic lectures. First I thought to remove him from the lessons but later, I kept him in the lectures related to his succsess in life as ss examples of instructional compoments. After his recent scandal, many of Tiger Woods' sponsors did not continue their contracts to use him to endorse their products. However, I continued to use Tiger Woods as an example in economic development because the assigned textbook (2010 edition) for BBA 2401 utilizes him as examples in many economic terms.
b) Textbook Chapters: Initially, I was reluctant in using chapters 1 and 2 diectly from the textbook but later, I received the publishers authorization to use those chapters because the university purchased the book to use specifically for the course.

c) Youtube videos: My plan was to upload some video clips in youtube so that students can watch them and post their comments. These videos came with the texbook and discussed the way economy and happiness are related and elaborated on the happiest nation on earth. But I did not receive the permission from the publisher because those video clips were desiged and developed by ABC news and Cengage Publisher was authorized to use them only in their textbook and not to upload them in youtube. I created linked to other youtube videos that covered similar topics instead of uploading my own.

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